This will be the first of four (4) meetings scheduled approximately every three (3) months (quarterly) throughout the year intended to bring together all people interested in or currently teaching Computer Science (CS) across the great state of Tennessee!  With the CS Education Law of 2022 going into effect for the first time this school year – we want to help you meet the law’s requirements but more importantly to grow your network of support in this work. 
Even if you are the only one in your building, you are not the only CS teacher in your district or region and we are all here to support each other!
Come hear about resources we can offer through CSTA Tennessee, other sources for help available to you, regional in person meet ups scheduled so you can connect face-to-face, and more!  We’ll draw for door prizes for those who attend the full 60 minutes – come learn what is in store and how you can be a part of it!
This will be a meeting in Microsoft Teams – join with the link below:
Microsoft Teams Need help?
Meeting ID: 238 267 096 720
Passcode: QN4zJY

Dial in by phone
+1 614-696-8522,,922406759# United States, Columbus
(614) 696-8522,,922406759# United States (Toll-free)
Phone conference ID: 922 406 759#