This year, CSTA+ members voted to elect six representatives to their Board of Directors.
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This year, CSTA+ members voted to elect six representatives to their Board of Directors. We’d like to take the opportunity to announce the newest and continuing members of the CSTA Board of Directors:
K-8 Representative
Kristeen Shabram (continuing)
7th Grade Business and Technology and 8th Grade Digital Media and Literacy
Westside Middle School, Omaha, Nebraska
I am passionate about helping students develop a solid foundation of computer science knowledge. To achieve this, teachers need access to the latest research, tools, and curriculum in computer science education, as well as professional development opportunities to learn best practices when teaching computer science. I look forward to sharing my passion for computer science education, helping teachers develop innovative curriculum, and bringing enthusiasm and creativity to our organization.
9-12 Representative
Amy Fox (continuing)
Full-time Teacher, Tenured
Vahalla High School, Valhalla, New York
In 1993 I took my first job as a computer science and math teacher in upstate New York. I was told the previous teacher had applied for and received a grant to write a curriculum for teaching computer graphics using BASICA, which became mine to write. Fresh out of graduate school, I was excited, eager and ready to write and teach. I never looked back. Since that time I have taught computer science in three other districts in New York and have been in my current position for 19 years. I teach grades 9-12, and truly enjoy watching my students learn how to think, problem-solve, challenge themselves, and find passion in the various aspects of computer science: computational thinking, programming, networking, robotics, game design, mobile app design, etc. I am proud to be in an ethnically diverse district and have good representation in my classes. I still struggle to have better gender equity, but I actively recruit young women into my classes. My own passion for computer science is contagious!
State Department Representative
Cindi Chang (new)
Computer Science Education Leader for Nevada
Nevada Department of Education, Las Vegas, Nevada
My passion for CS started in my sophomore year of high school as the only female in one programming class being offered. The teacher was from the math department and the language was Fortran. I was hooked. I used my future degrees in industry, in teaching CS to high school students, and now to lead Nevada DOE CS education initiatives, policy, grants, and PD statewide to ensure our CS education is equitable, diverse, and inclusive. In my 2.5 years in this newly created CS Specialist position, Nevada has developed rigorous and engaging K-12 Academic Content Standards for CS, enacted two legislative policies ensuring that CS education is required for all high school students, that conscience efforts be made to increase the enrollment in CS coursework of females, students with disabilities, and underrepresented minorities in the field of CS, and that CS education be taught in elementary school. As the grandmother of a new kindergartner next fall, I am especially motivated for CS to be in place.
International Representative
Natasa Grgurina (new)
Lecturer and Researcher of Computer Science Education
University of Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
We all study history to better understand the world we live in, to help us make the right choices, and possibly to pursue a history-related career. I am convinced every student should learn CS for these same reasons. I studied math, CS and education in Croatia, USA, and the Netherlands. As a teacher, mentor, international researcher, textbook author, policy advisor, and teenagers’ mom, I have encountered all aspects of K-12 CS education. I see the same efforts everywhere: to raise awareness about the necessity to teach CS to all students and to actually achieve this goal. As CS education is facing similar issues across the world, we can count on a large international community to discuss our challenges, exchange experiences and seek solutions. Besides a shared vision, clear policy and tangible stakeholder’s support, the crucial factor to successfully teach CS to all of our students are the CS teachers who need adequate facilities and support. And we need lots of CS teachers!
College/University Representative
Monica McGill (new)
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science
Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois
I am a huge proponent of bringing CS to all K-12 students in inclusive and relevant ways. I have the utmost respect for K-12 teachers and empathize with their efforts to learn and teach computing to every student. I found my calling as an educator later in life (Bradley University, Knox College), after working in industry ((U.S.) National Computer Security Center, Computer Sciences Corp, and consultant). It suited me well as I remain an enthusiastic student of CS since earning my CS/Math B.S. degree (University of Illinois C-U) and M.S. in CS (George Washington University). Working with students inspired me to pursue an Ed.D. in Curriculum & Instruction (Illinois State) alongside K-12 educators. Their discussions were eye-opening and impactful-they changed how I thought about students to one that is more holistic. As a College/University representative, I will draw upon my array of experiences and research to provide strategic planning and vision that supports all teachers.
At Large Representative
Janice Mak (new)
Arizona State Board of Education, Phoenix, Arizona
Arizona State Board of Education, Phoenix, Arizona
A student of mine once wrote: “With education anything is possible.” At the heart of all that I do as an educator, researcher, and advocate, it is my goal to make “anything possible” for students by contributing to productive dialogue surrounding policy, practice, and my passion – equity and access to high-quality computer science learning opportunities for every student. This can be summed up by viewing CS as a core literacy for all. To attain this vision, I live by this proverb: “If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together.” This encapsulates my work with the CS community in my district, state, and nationally – collaborating with an incredible team of CS champions all working together advance CS for all through policies, partnerships, and state planning so that our students not only have the opportunity to learn CS but also to become creators of computer science knowledge.
These two continuing and four new Board members will begin serving their two-year terms starting in July 2020. We appreciate their service and the service of all volunteers who help CSTA promote and support K-12 CS education.
Thank you to our CSTA+ members for taking the time to ensure their voice was heard. Congratulations to our new representatives!