State leaders and policymakers can use CSTA Standards when enacting statewide policies around computer science education, including legislative initiatives and funding opportunities. This information may help mitigate unintended consequences when developing and implementing state policies.
We have designed the following guidance and resources to support you.

The CSTA Standards for Computer Science Teachers are designed to provide clear guidance around effective and equitable CS instruction in support of rigorous CS education for all K–12 students. The Standards:
- Explain what CS teachers should know and be able to do
- Establish benchmarks for CS professional learning
- Provide goals to guide teachers’ professional learning and continuously develop their teaching practice from novice to master CS teachers
CS teachers enter the field from many different areas of specialization, and their preparation varies significantly. Each indicator is a roadmap to support teachers from multiple entry points as they identify their strengths and areas for growth.
The Standards represent a collaborative effort to provide a vision of CS teaching and learning based on the latest research. They were designed to complement the outcomes for student learning delineated in the K–12 CS Framework (2016) and CSTA K–12 CS Standards (2017).
The CSTA K–12 Computer Science Standards, released in 2017, delineate a core set of learning objectives designed to provide the foundation for a complete CS curriculum and its implementation at the K–12 level. To this end, the CSTA Standards:
- Introduce the fundamental concepts of computer science to all students, beginning at the elementary school level
- Present computer science at the secondary school level in a way that can fulfill a computer science, math, or science graduation credit
- Encourage schools to offer additional secondary-level CS courses that will allow interested students to study facets of computer science in more depth and prepare them for entry into college or the workforce
- Increase the availability of rigorous computer science offerings for all students, especially those who are members of underrepresented groups
The Standards align to the K–12 CS Framework (2016) and were written by educators to be coherent and comprehensible to teachers, administrators, and policymakers.
CSTA membership is not just for teachers. We welcome policymakers and state leaders too.