Professional Development Opportunities
CSTA is your source for professional development that you actually want to attend. Explore these offerings to find opportunities to expand your knowledge in the timeframe you’re working with.

Annual Conference
Find strength in your community through networking, engage with PD you want to attend, and find ways to impact students & teachers outside the classroom.

The Professional Learning Series (PLS) support teachers’ ongoing PD and ultimately improves the quality of teaching and learning of K-12 CS.

Online Courses
Our online professional development (PD) courses provide a flexible, deep learning experience you can complete at your own pace.

Equity Fellowship
This selective, year-long program develops leadership in equitable teaching practices and advocacy. This program brings together teachers and allies.

Identity Inclusive Computing
CSTA is a proud partner of the Alliance for Identity-Inclusive Computing Education

CSforEL aims to attract, retain, and engage English learners in AP Computer Science Principles (AP CSP) across Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Southern California.

CSPD Weeks
CSPD Weeks are a statewide, teacher-directed PD week that provides learning opportunities, community-building, and PD credits for recertification.

Accredited PD
Our accredited PD opportunities have been vetted by independent experts in the CS education field using a rubric aligned to specific indicators.

Mentors in CS
This is a year-long, equity-focused peer mentoring program. Mentors with 5+ years of experience are matched with teachers new to CS.

Inquiry Groups
This selective, semester-long program combines asynchronous online PD with facilitated monthly or bi-monthly community of practice sessions.

Utah CS Equity Cohort
Forty Utah teachers were selected to join this cohort and further develop their knowledge and ability to address inequities in CS.