person completing online PD, shown with notebook and computerAs a CS teacher, you’re constantly looking for ways to improve your practice but have limited time to do so, and it can be challenging to find quality PD on specific topics of interest. CSTA is pleased to provide a new way for members to gain knowledge and skills aligned to the CSTA Standards for CS Teachers.

Our online professional development (PD) courses provide a flexible, deep learning experience that you can complete at your own pace. Course content includes meaningful and interactive activities focused on application to your CS classroom — you’ll do a lot more than just read and watch. Plus, you will experience asynchronous collaboration with other CS educators as you both give and get feedback and exchange ideas.

Registration for the winter session (January 13- March 23) is now open. Because courses are self-paced, you can register at any point until two weeks before the end of the session. We now have two new new courses available. See links below to register for a specific course. Price for course varies based on length. All courses are free for CSTA members!

Current Offerings

See the current online PD courses available, all designed specifically for K-12 CS educators. Click to expand additional details.

Women in CS: Understanding the Impacts, Disparities and Their Voices

Description: This online computer science course is designed for educators seeking to create an inclusive and empowering learning environment that encourages and increases female student participation in STEM with a significant focus on computer science. Participants will explore the challenges, contributions, and impact women have had on computing, technology, and society. Participants will also explore strategies to engage female students in the field and gain practical tools to foster a more diverse and equitable computer science classroom while empowering individuals to enact change.

Audience: Grade 5-12 CS Teachers, Administrators, CS Specialists

Length: ~5 hours

Add-Ons to Boost Equity and Inclusion for Your CS Curriculum

Description: This course explores ways to add elements to any curriculum to make it more inclusive. Participants will spend time analyzing their chosen curricula for elements of student voice, student choice, diversity, and equitable assessment. This course is not to discuss which CS curriculum may be more equitable or inclusive than the other. This course is for educators to develop a number of ways to infuse more equity and inclusion into the lessons they are already teaching.

Audience: Grade Pk-12 CS Teachers, Curriculum Providers, CS Specialists, Curriculum Decision Makers

Length: ~4 hours

Using Data to Improve Diverse CS Course Participation

Description: This course is designed to provide a foundational understanding of what systematic and/or structural barriers exist to keep underrepresented students out of computer science classrooms. Participants will examine data from various resources and learn about strategies that will help them create a more inclusive, diverse, and equitable learning environment for all students.

Audience: Grade 5-12 CS Teachers, Administrators, CS Specialists

Length: ~6 hours

Fostering a Sense of Belonging in Your CS Classroom

Description: This course explores critical elements of the classroom in order to create an environment that is welcoming for everyone. Elements include classroom population, instruction, classroom environment, and avoiding microaggressions. Participants will better understand their students’ sense of belonging in their classroom and develop plans to increase it.

Audience: K-12 CS educators

Length: ~4 hours

Identity Inclusion for K-12 Computer Science Educators

Description: This course provides a foundational understanding of one’s self, the impact one has on others, and ways to foster safe and inclusive CS learning environments.

Audience: K-12 CS educators

Length: ~12 hours

Teaching Security: The Security Mindset

Description: This course helps high school teachers introduce important cybersecurity principles in their CS classrooms. It provides full lessons with hands-on, inquiry-based activities that allow students to explore for themselves how cybersecurity works.

Audience: High school CS educators

Length: ~4 hours

Empowering CS: Resources for New Teachers

Description: This course is designed to provide new CS Educators with practical tips and tools creating effective resources, investigating funding, and finding community within the field.

Audience: New CS educators

Length: ~3 hours

Additional Details


Varies by length ($39 – $99). Free for CSTA members!

Length & Pacing

Courses range from about 4 to 12 hours. See the course offerings above for an approximate number of hours suggested to complete each course.

Courses are self-paced. While we provide suggested pacing in each course, you could spend an hour per week, complete an entire course in a day, or do whatever works with your schedule. 


Courses will be offered in 10-week sessions:

  • Summer: July 21, 2025 – Sept. 28, 2025
  • Fall: Oct. 6, 2025 – Dec. 31, 2025
  • Winter: Jan. 13, 2025 – March 23, 2025
  • Spring: April 7, 2025 – June 15, 2025

Course enrollment will remain open until two weeks prior to the end of each term. 


CSTA courses are privately authored in Coursera (in collaboration with UC San Diego) and are currently not publicly searchable or accessible. CSTA members receive exclusive access to these courses.


Learners will receive a signed digital certificate documenting the number of hours of professional learning after completing each course. Check with your school, district, or state whether you can count these hours towards continuing education requirements.

How to Get Started

Click the Register button in the course offerings menu above to enroll in a specific course. Since all courses are free for CSTA members, we recommend that you first join with a membership. Please make sure you are signed into your account when registering.

CSTA will email course invitations to all registered participants on the first day of the session. If you registwered after the first day of the session, you will receive your course invitation within one week. Look out for an invitation message from CSTA Online PD on Coursera ( Simply click the Join Group button in the message to join the course and get started. You will need to create a Coursera account if you do not already have one.

Enrollment Support

Please reach out to if you do not see your invitation, need to use a different email address than is used for your CSTA membership, or have recently become a CSTA member. We’ll be happy to help!