Lea Sloan
My CSTA Story
In 2003, Lea started teaching high school computer science. At that time, she created her teaching materials online. However, she was excited and relieved when CSTA was founded in 2004, providing her with more resources just when she needed them. Today, she serves as the Director of Professional Development at CodeHS and co-leads the CSTA Professional Development committee.
My Story
Lea Sloan, Director of Professional Development Lea has been a leader in educational technology, curriculum development, and professional development for nearly 20 years. Prior to that, she was a classroom teacher for 14 years and taught high school computer science courses from Intro CS with HTML and JavaScript, Programming Graphics in ActionScript, Java Honors as prep for AP CSA, and AP CSA in Java. She has developed dozens of online and blended courses and content for teachers and students in educational technology and computer science. She joined the CodeHS team in early 2018 and now leads the professional development team. She also serves as co-chair on the CSTA Professional Development committee that oversees the approval of CSTA-endorsed computer science PD providers.