Angela Marquez (She/Her)

Yá’át’ééh! Shí éí Angela Marquez yíníshyé’. Táchii’nii nishłį́, Tł’ááshchí’í ’éí bá shíshchíín. Kinyaa’áanii ’éí dashicheii áádóó Tábąąhí ’éí dashinálí. Angela Marquez is Diné, indigenous to Leupp, AZ on the Navajo Nation. Angela’s work at the University of Arizona Data Sciences Academy (DSA) is grounded in relational accountability, entering any work through the lens of serving our relatives and sharing accountability with our communities. Educators at the DSA explore questions such as “What data stories do we care about?” and “How can we use data to answer our questions?” Working with Indigenous and Indigenous serving Computer Science (CS) educators, Angela sees the value of computer science education as giving tribal community members a choice to work from home, a choice to raise families with their home community, home language and home culture. Empowering today’s students in CS allows for a more equitable future for all students.

Learn About Angela

As Cohort 6 completes projects throughout the 2024-2025 school year, we’ll link their work to their profiles. Check back soon to see what Angela has done!