The CSTA Impacts of Computing Summit is coming up on Saturday, Oct. 14, 2023, from 11 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. ET. We know you’ll be attending the Opening Keynote, “Impactful Computing,” with Dr. Christina Gardner McCune, and the Closing Keynote, “Fireside Chat: Students Making an Impact in Computing Today,” a conversation with Okezue Bell and Sirihaasa Mallamothu. But with so many sessions to choose from, the CSTA Education team is providing you with their recommendations to help you start planning your summit experience. 

“Being Relevant on Multiple Fronts,” with Yolanda Lozano, at 1:20 p.m. ET

This session will discuss lessons learned through the creation of a microcredential for our NSF grant running of 2 pilots: Culturally Relevant Pedagogy In CS. This session aligns with the following CSTA Standards for CSTeachers: 2a. Examine issues of equity in CS, 3b. Model continuous learning, 3d. Commit to the mission of CS for all students, 3f. Participate in CS professional learning communities, 5b. Cultivate a positive classroom climate 

“Step Up to the Challenge: Using AI to Future Proof Students,” with Allen Antoine, Krystal Chatman, and Candyce Monroe, at 2:15 p.m. ET

This session will empower minoritized students through inclusive CS & AI education and foster problem-solving for real-world impact. This session aligns with the following CSTA Standards for CSTeachers: 2a. Examine issues of equity in CS, 2c. Represent diverse perspectives, 3e. Leverage community resources, 5d. Support student collaboration

“Digital Citizenship Implications of Generative AI,” with Sue Thotz and Leticia Citizen, at 12:30 p.m. ET

Teach your students to think critically and assess the risks and benefits of AI with these lessons. This session aligns with the following CSTA Standards for CSTeachers: 1f. Analyze impacts of computing, 5b. Cultivate a positive classroom climate, 5e. Encourage student communication

“Machine Learning Bias in Criminal Justice,” with Daniela Ganelin, at 2:15 p.m. ET 

In this hands-on session, we’ll study how bias arises in machine learning and explore a real case study using a take-home Python notebook.This session aligns with the following CSTA Standards for CSTeachers: 1d. Use and analyze data, 1f. Analyze impacts of computing

“Dismantling the Algorithm: Students Fight Back Against AI,” with Isabel Gwara, at 12:30 p.m. ET 

Empower students to investigate and dismantle the algorithms in their lives with a mindset of inquiry. This session aligns with the following CSTA Standards for CSTeachers: 1f. Analyze impacts of computing, 4e. Plan projects that have personal meaning to students

“Data Collection, Algorithms, and Me: Staying Safe Online,” with Sofía De Jesús, at 2:15 p.m. ET.

This session will discuss how to balance privacy and online presence in a world that continues to collect data in the background.This session aligns with the following CSTA Standards for CSTeachers: 1f. Analyze impacts of computing, 2b. Minimize threats to inclusion, 2c. Represent diverse perspectives, 2d. Use data for decision-making to improve equity, 3b. Model continuous learning

Not registered for the Impacts of Computing Summit? Head to our website and register today