Welcome to the CSTA Volunteer Spotlight series, where we celebrate the incredible individuals who dedicate their time and passion to making a difference in the CSTA community. Join us in recognizing and appreciating the extraordinary efforts of Rudy in their role as Policy Committee Member.  

What inspired you to volunteer your time with CSTA? How has this experience impacted you?

The first time I volunteered with CSTA, I was tasked with assisting with the website development for our local chapter. The warm welcome I received from our president, Jared Amalong, and the full board sparked my initial enthusiasm to volunteer. As my understanding of CSTA National deepened, my interest in policy issues led me to apply to the CSTA Policy Committee, where I was accepted. The committee’s welcoming environment, particularly thanks to Shaina Glass, affirmed my sense of belonging and significantly fueled my desire to contribute more actively.

Further interactions with inspiring colleagues like Art Lopez, Lien Diaz, and Yolanda Lozano in the CSTA LatinX Affinity Group solidified my commitment to volunteering. These experiences, among many others, have continually inspired me to engage with various committees and affinity groups within CSTA. To me, volunteering for CSTA does not feel like work; it feels like being part of a community where I am instrumental in driving change for computer science educators.

Additionally, the support from the CSTA staff reinforces my belief that CSTA is one of the most supportive and rewarding organizations I have been involved with, where volunteers are highly valued and well-treated.

Furthermore, being part of the board has had a great impact on me so much. I’ve had the opportunity to learn so much from amazing colleagues. Each one of our board members has been so welcoming which inspires me to be more involved with CSTA.

How long have you been involved with CSTA, and what motivated you to join?

I joined CSTA in 2017, but my active involvement really began towards the end of 2018 when I started participating in workshops, chapter meetings, and volunteering opportunities. Throughout my experiences with various local and national organizations, none have resonated with me as deeply as CSTA. In CSTA, I truly feel valued and that I belong. This sense of connection has not only motivated me to remain actively involved but has also inspired me to pursue additional volunteer opportunities within the organization.

Can you share any memorable experiences or highlights from your involvement with CSTA?

My involvement with CSTA has been filled with numerous memorable experiences that have not only enriched my professional life but have also provided a profound sense of community and accomplishment. Here are some of the highlights:

Participating in conferences has always been exhilarating. Working alongside other volunteers, who feel more like family than mere coworkers, has been particularly rewarding. These events have fostered a sense of unity and shared purpose that is rare in professional settings.

During our policy workgroup meetings, the collaboration is intense and productive. We engage in deep conversations that allow us to learn from one another, enabling us to achieve substantial outcomes. The environment in these meetings is one of mutual respect and eager participation, where every voice is valued and every opinion considered.

A standout moment was during the 2022 Annual Conference at our CSTA LatinX affinity meetup. This event was a gathering of LatinX educators who shared a common vision of advancing our goals with LatinX students. It was incredibly fulfilling to meet so many inspiring individuals and contribute to supporting our leadership. This meetup not only allowed me to connect with my peers but also reinforced my commitment to the organization and our shared objectives.

Additionally, one of the greatest highlights for me has been participating in the CSTA Strategic Plan Task Force. Being able to listen to and learn from others has greatly enhanced my understanding of the organization and provided me with valuable opportunities to further engage with our executive director and board members.

How has CSTA impacted your teaching career and professional development?

My professional journey has been influenced by my involvement with CSTA. This engagement has offered me a wealth of opportunities to expand my skills and knowledge, affirming my belief that learning is a continuous process.

As a Board Member, my leadership abilities have been significantly enhanced. I’ve learned the skill of listening to diverse opinions and synthesizing them into decisions that advance our organization’s objectives. This role has not only sharpened my decision-making skills but has also deepened my understanding of effective team collaboration, thanks to the insights I’ve gained from fellow board members.

In my capacity as a member of the policy workgroup, I have further improved my leadership within computer science, particularly in understanding policy. This experience has introduced me to the complexity of national policy-making, providing me with a framework for understanding and influencing policy in our field.

Serving as an Equity Fellow has been transformative, enhancing my expertise in equity and inclusion. This role has taught me to prioritize these principles and integrate them into the core of our work, ensuring they are at the heart of everything we do.

Overall, my experiences at CSTA have not only molded me into a more competent leader in computer science both at the state and national levels but also instilled a deeper commitment to fostering inclusive environments. I am grateful for the ways in which CSTA has enriched my career and broadened my impact in the field.

In what ways do you see CSTA shaping the future of computer science education?

In today’s world, where technology increasingly drives societal and economic developments, the role of computer science education becomes ever more fundamental. I am a firm believer that a solid grounding in computer science is essential, not just for those aspiring to become programmers but for everyone. This is vital for developing computational thinking skills that enable us not only to consume but also to create new technologies.

CSTA plays an indispensable role in shaping the future of computer science education. CSTA stands as a leader of leadership and expertise in this field. Through its advocacy and professional development programs, CSTA empowers educators to equip the next generation of students with the skills necessary to thrive in a digital world.

CSTA’s influence extends beyond the classroom; it sets the standards and best practices that schools and educators across the country look to when integrating computer science into their curricula. By fostering a community where educators can share resources and strategies, CSTA ensures that the benefits of computer science education are broadly and equitably distributed.

As we look forward to a future increasingly molded by technological advances, the role of CSTA in advocating for, developing, and standardizing computer science education is crucial. It is through organizations like CSTA that we can transform everyone from mere technology consumers into innovative creators, thereby securing a technologically proficient society

Are there any specific initiatives or projects within CSTA that you’ve been particularly passionate about?

I am deeply committed to two projects/initiatives. First, I am enthusiastic about our Equity Fellow project, which aims to advocate for computer science and support administrators. Through this project, we have not only fostered additional relationships with researchers and educators but also discovered ways to align our work with broader organizational professional developement tools. Second, I am equally passionate about the direction our organization is taking with the implementation of the new strategic plan over the coming years.

What does the future of CSTA look like?

This question holds great significance for me. I am optimistic about the future prospects of CSTA. I eagerly anticipate a time when CSTA will emerge as the foremost advocate for computer science, equipping educators with essential tools and resources. Additionally, I envision an increase in membership as the organization continues to evolve into an equitable and inclusive organization that fosters a strong sense of community and belonging.