Welcome to the CSTA Volunteer Spotlight series, where we celebrate the incredible individuals who dedicate their time and passion to making a difference in the CSTA community. Join us in recognizing and appreciating the extraordinary efforts of Willy in their role as Chapter Leader Committee Member.  

What inspired you to volunteer your time with CSTA? How has this experience impacted you?

CSTA was and continues to be a huge part of my formation as an educator. It only makes sense for me to give back and help teachers become better versions of themselves.

How long have you been involved with CSTA, and what motivated you to join?

[I have been a] member since 2018 and chapter leader since 2019. What motivated me was the conference, which was in Omaha, Nebraska, that year. I learned so much from the sessions I attended and connected with individuals, some of which I am still connected with.

Can you share any memorable experiences or highlights from your involvement with CSTA?

The connections I have been able to make. Sometimes organizations that are looking to make connections and offer amazing opportunities for teachers reach out to us first. I love to make those connections!

How has CSTA impacted your teaching career and professional development?

From introduction to different and exciting providers to strategies for being an inclusive teacher. It has provided me with such a broad overview of what is out there and has helped shaped the type of educator I am. Someone who likes to try new things with students and be inclusive at the same time, trying to teach students to give back.

In what ways do you see CSTA shaping the future of computer science education?

First of all, standards. So many DOE’s use the CSTA standards or model their standards after CSTA’s.

Also, helping create a community of inclusive teachers.

Are there any specific initiatives or projects within CSTA that you’ve been particularly passionate about?

The whole sense of building the community of educators. Being able to provide PD’s, opportunities for students and connection with the community.

What does the future of CSTA look like?

For all teachers, not only CS, but of all subjects, to be part of CSTA and collaborate as we demystify CS and implement CS.