Greetings from the CSTA NE Planning Committee,

We invite your organization to participate in the Annual Computer Science Teacher Association New England (CSTA NE) Regional Conference, which will take place on November 2nd, 2024 at Boston University. This conference brings together approximately 250 educators and leaders in K-12 and higher education, state policymakers, and industry professionals from across New England to work together to build supportive communities and broaden participation in computer science education.  Our conference theme will be Reimagining a Connected Future through pK12 CS Education. 

The sponsorship participation levels are Platinum ($3,000, limit of one), Gold ($2,000, limit of three), Silver ($1,000), and Bronze ($500), or equivalent with in-kind donation, with opportunities for your organization to be prominently featured as described.

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Platinum – $3,000

(limit 1)

  • Logo shown at the start of conference and a number of other sessions

  • Logo prominently featured on promotional materials & social media posts

  • Logo on CSTANE conference website

  • Option to add items to swag bags for participants

  • Presence in Exhibition Hall (open during registration, lunch, end of day)

  • 2hr 15 minute workshop as part of the conference program

Gold – $2,000

(limit 3)

  • Logo featured on promotional materials and social media posts 

  • Logo on CSTANE conference website

  • Option to add items to swag bags for participants

  • Presence in Exhibition Hall (open during registration, lunch, end of day)

  • 50 minute session as part of the conference program

Silver – $1,000

  • Name featured on promotional materials and social media posts 

  • Logo on CSTANE conference website

  • Option to add items to swag bags for participants

  • Presence in Exhibition Hall (open during registration, lunch, end of day)

Bronze – $500

  • Name featured on promotional materials & conference website

  • Option to add items to swag bags for participants

  • Presence in Exhibition Hall (open during registration, lunch, end of day)

Non-profit Exhibitor

  • Presence in Exhibition Hall (open during registration, lunch, end of day)

  • Option to add items to swag bags for participants


Please choose your level of support and give details of the representatives who will attend the conference. We will contact you for other required information e.g. logo. If you have questions, please reach out to