We designed this online professional development course to provide a flexible, deep learning experience you can complete at your own pace. Course content includes meaningful and interactive activities focused on application to your CS classroom — you’ll do much more than just read and watch. Plus, you will experience asynchronous collaboration with other CS educators as you both give and get feedback and exchange ideas.
Registrants will be added to the course on a weekly basis and will not receive the invitation email from Coursera immediately after registering. We appreciate your understanding.


Grade 5-12 CS Teachers, Administrators, CS Specialists


~5 hours (complete at any pace within the 10-week session; you can enroll anytime before December 16, 2024.)

Learning Objectives

(1) Course Overview, Introduction, and Welcome

  • Integrate and foster a supportive and inclusive classroom community of women interested in computing. 
  • Read and share stories about women who inspired them to pursue computer science.
  • Create authentic connections with women in computing.
  • Encourage and foster a more inclusive learning environment in computer science classrooms.

(2) Women in Computer Science: Barriers, Biases, and Disparities of Women in Computing

  • Explore the challenges, barriers, biases, and disparities women have faced and continue to face in the tech industry by looking at data and historical statistics.
  • Learn how to advocate for gender equality in the field and contribute to shaping the future of computing.
  • Explore resources that will allow educators to enact change and prepare them to advocate for gender equality in computer science education.

(3) Women in Computer Science: Their Impactful Stories

  • Explore women’s historical and contemporary contributions and achievements in computer science, investigate practical strategies to engage female students in the field, and examine ways to foster a more diverse and equitable classroom.

(4) Women of Color in Computer Science

  • Share inspiring stories of past, current, and future women leaders in computer science.
  • Promote women’s participation and leadership in technology-related fields to foster a supportive and inclusive community of women interested in computing.

(5) Representation Matters in Computer Science Classrooms

  • Empower computer science educators to enact change by developing strategies and setting goals to increase the participation of women in computer science classrooms.
  • Ideate and develop strategies to promote gender diversity and inclusion in computer science classrooms.

(6) Organizations That Advocate for Women in Computer Science

  • Ideate and develop strategies to promote gender diversity and inclusion in computer science classrooms.

Teacher Standards Alignment

1f- Analyze the Impacts of Computing Analyze how people influence computing through their behaviors, cultural norms, and social interactions and how computing impacts society positively and negatively.

2a. Examine issues of equity in CS and how systemic barriers and social and psychological factors contribute to inequitable CS access, engagement, and achievement among marginalized groups. Reflect on how issues of equity manifest in their own CS teaching context.

Fall Session

You will receive full access to the online course for a 10-week term from October 7, 2024 to December 31, 2024. You can complete the course by spending about an hour per week or completing it in brief sprints. While we have suggested timing, you may complete it at your own pace.

You will receive a signed digital certificate indicating completing 8 hours of professional learning.

When the term ends on December 31, 2024, you will no longer be able to progress toward your course assignments and activities, but you will still be able to access course materials.


  • $49 per participant
  • Free for CSTA+ members – please make sure you’re logged into your CSTA+ account before clicking “Register” ($50 annual membership)

Access for All Teachers

Our goal is to support any K-12 CS educator who wants to take this course in completing it. The course is free for CSTA+ members. If you cannot pay for this course, please email membership@csteachers.org to ask for a scholarship.