When it comes to computer science, we still have a lot of work to do to address gaps in education.
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When it comes to computer science, we still have a lot of work to do to address gaps in education. In our recent blog post, we are bringing attention specifically to the gender gap, since the gender gap for girls and young women is still as stark as it was back in 2015. Google partnered with London-based designer Sahara Jones to help us shine a light on the voices behind these statistics. We’re making these graphics available for you to use in presentations or on social media. Our goal is to help increase awareness about this important topic and ultimately engage advocates in their own work to close the gender gap in computer science education.

In addition, Google is making the detailed Gallup data in the latest Computer Science Education research available to all to download here.
The report, Current Perspectives and Continuing Challenges in Computer Science Education in the U.S. K-12 Schools, represents analysis of over 7,000 U.S. educators, parents, administrators and students conducted through online surveys. It is accompanied by four mini reports that highlight equity gaps among different segments of the student population, including Black, Female, Hispanic and rural.
We hope that you’ll find the data behind the Google/Gallup 2020 (Year 3) Diversity in CS report valuable in your work as well. We also wanted to share some slides and posters that are now available to use in any presentations that you may need.
We’re grateful to educators for motivating girls to believe in themselves, and encouraging them to explore how computer science can be a meaningful part of their lives, no matter what career paths they take.