Matching Experienced and Novice Teachers for Ongoing Rigorous Support in Computer Science

As the number of CS teachers increases to meet the burgeoning course offerings in the U.S., teachers new to the discipline need additional supports beyond one-time workshops focused on particular curricula. To address this need, we developed a year-long, equity-focused peer mentoring program.

Mentors are teachers with 4+ years of CS teaching experience, and mentees are teachers who are new to teaching CS. They are strategically matched in 1:1 partnerships based on context and goals. Across one academic year, they meet twice monthly to identify and work towards three goals related to the CSTA Standards for CS Teachers. Through individualized support through 1:1 mentorship, teachers will demonstrate increased confidence, pedagogical content knowledge, and use of equitable and inclusive teaching practices.


Key project activities include:

  • teacher recruitment and matching
  • one-on-one mentoring
  • mentoring tools and resources development
  • mentor training
  • community of practice

Each activity has embedded equity supports.

Observed CS Teacher Outcomes

Mentees demonstrated:

  • a reflective stance towards their teaching
  • increased confidence in CS teaching knowledge and pedagogical practices
  • increased use of equitable and inclusive teaching practices

Mentors demonstrated:

  • high confidence in CS teaching
  • greater skills and confidence in their abilities to mentor and support other teachers

Mentoring Tools

Our team has developed several tools to support a structured mentoring process aligned to the CSTA Standards for CS Teachers. Tools include a self-reflection, relationship building structures, partnership agreement, goal setting templates, example goals, and mentoring meeting logs.

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Get Involved 

We seek high school CS teachers to participate in the mentorship program. Our program currently supports teachers in CSTA’s Black Affinity Group, CSTA New Jersey, and CSTA Wisconsin Dairyland.


4+ years experience teaching CS, and interested in leadership, collaboration, and professional growth

Priority Deadline: March 17


New to teaching CS, and interested in professional growth, collaboration, and community building

Priority Deadline: May 31

A group of Wisconsin CS teachers pose for a photo during summer professional development for the PUMP_CS project. Teachers hold signs indicating a high level of teaching experience and lower level of CS teaching experience.

Learning through Research

Initial data suggest that both mentees and mentors benefitted from the program, increasing their confidence in teaching and mentoring. Through design-based implementation research, we continuously improved structures and resources across the first two years of implementation in Wisconsin.

Learn more in our recent research publications:

Project Team

MENTORS in CS is a National Science Foundation-supported research/practice partnership among CSTA, WestEd, three communities: the CSTA Wisconsin Dairyland chapter, the CSTA New Jersey chapter, and CSTA’s Black Affinity Group.

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WestEd logo
Bryan Twarek's headshot

Bryan Twarek

PI, Vice-President of Education & Research

Portia Morrell headshot

Portia Morrell

Project Manager

Dr. Aleata Hubbard Cheuoua's headshot

Dr. Aleata Hubbard Cheuoua

Co-PI, Senior Research Associate

Dr. Jen Tsan's headshot

Dr. Jennifer Tsan

Research Associate

CSTA Wisconsin Dairyland
CSTA Black Affinity Group
CSTA New Jersey
Amy Fetherstons headshot

Amy Fetherston

Linnea Logan's headshot

Linnea Logan


Tonya Davis

Portia Morrell headshot

Portia Morrell


Kathy Effner

Kevin Jala headshot

Kevin Jala

NSF Logo

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants No. 2031314 and 2318232.