Amy Bakaletz
My CSTA Story
In her 2rd year teaching Computer Science, Amy attended her first CSTA conference virtually in 2020. She was blown away by all of the other CS teachers and resources that were available. Since then, she started a CS Honor Society at her school, and has attended the conference annually, including the wonderful in-person conference in Chicago in 2022. She was so surprised to find so many other teachers that had backgrounds in CS similar to her own. She then decided to volunteer as a member of the CS Honor Society Committee and presented at the CSHS Leadership Summit and CSTA in 2023. CSTA has been instrumental to her growth as a CS teacher!
My Story
Amy is in her 14th year teaching high school – the first 8 she was a Math teacher and the past 6 she has been a Computer Science teacher. She has a Bachelors degree in Computer Science and a Masters Degree in Education. Prior to teaching, she worked as a Software Developer for 22 years. She has a passion for making Computer Science education available for all students. Outside of school, she enjoys hiking, quilting, and playing the piano.