I was fortunate to be a part of the early years in the formation of the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT). While my focus was in the higher education area, I knew there was another major effort working in the K-12 space. Since I joined the CSTA Board, I have wanted to share the work of the K-12 Alliance with the CSTA community. I am very lucky to have Jannine Fernadez (THANK YOU!) provide insight into resources that are of particular interest to our community.
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I was fortunate to be a part of the early years in the formation of the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT). While my focus was in the higher education area, I knew there was another major effort working in the K-12 space. Since I joined the CSTA Board, I have wanted to share the work of the K-12 Alliance with the CSTA community. I am very lucky to have Jannine Fernadez (THANK YOU!) provide insight into resources that are of particular interest to our community.
Resources that Support Educators and Benefit Their Students
By Jannie Fernadez, Director K-12 Alliance and TECHNOLOchicas @NCWIT
For over 10 years, CSTA and The National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) have collaborated on a variety of projects and initiatives in support of computer science education for all students in the United States. Teachers are back “in” the classrooms, and while we navigate unchartered waters, we must remain intentional in the way we support and recruit students who are historically underrepresented in computing fields.
NCWIT Aspirations in Computing (AiC), designed to change what’s possible for women in technology from K-12 through career by offering the kind of encouragement that combats isolation, enables long-term persistence, opens doors, and changes lives. AiC uses program elements that spark an interest in computing, such as AspireIT; recognizes and celebrates women’s technical aspirations and abilities, as well as the educators who support them (AiC Award Recognitions); and, provides an expansive, supportive network (AiC Community).
The Counselors for Computing (C4C) program provides information and resources that help counselors join the front line of the computing conversation. Bringing people and programs together with professional development, knowledge, and resources to give all students access to transformative computing careers.
TECHNOLOchicas: a targeted initiative of the NCWIT and Televisa Foundation that raises awareness among Latinas and their families about opportunities and careers in technology.
NCWIT has been a champion for change in the K-12 CS education space thanks to the collaborative nature of the work we do with member organizations, like CSTA. We value the opportunity to serve as a resource for educators all over the country. We also take great pride in empowering change leaders to create inclusive cultures that generate better and more innovative ideas and inspire all voices to speak and be heard.