We designed this online professional development course to provide a flexible, deep learning experience that you can complete at your own pace. Course content includes meaningful and interactive activities focused on application to your CS classroom — you’ll do a lot more than just read and watch. Plus, you will experience asynchronous collaboration with other CS educators as you both give and get feedback and exchange ideas.
Registrants will be added to the course on a weekly basis and will not receive the invitation email from Coursera immediately after registering. We appreciate your understanding.


~3 hours (complete at any pace within the 10-week session; you can enroll anytime before December 16)


  1. Facilitate fostering collaboration, support, and resource-sharing to enhance teaching practices and professional growth

  2. Facilitate the identification of and engagement with communities tailored to new Computer Science teachers

  3. Facilitate the identification and acquisition of diverse funding resources to support classroom initiatives

Teacher Standards Alignment

  • 1a. Apply CS practices
    Apply CS and computational thinking practices in flexible and appropriate ways. Practices include: Fostering an Inclusive Computing Culture, Collaborating Around Computing, Communicating About Computing, Recognizing and Defining Computational Problems, Developing and Using Abstractions, Creating Computational Artifacts, and Testing and Refining Computational Artifacts.

  • 1b. Apply knowledge of computing systems
    Apply knowledge of how hardware and software function to input, process, store, and output information within computing systems by analyzing interactions, designing projects, and troubleshooting problems.

  • 1d. Use and analyze data
    Collect, store, transform, and analyze digital data to better understand the world and make more accurate predictions.

  • 1e. Develop programs and interpret algorithms
    Design, implement, debug, and review programs in an iterative process using appropriate CS tools and technologies. Interpret algorithms, and explain tradeoffs associated with different algorithms.

  • 1f. Analyze impacts of computing
    Analyze how people influence computing through their behaviors, cultural norms, and social interactions, as well as how computing impacts society in both positive and negative ways.

  • 2e. Use accessible instructional materials
    Evaluate tools and curricula and leverage resources to improve accessibility for all students.

  • 3a. Pursue targeted professional development
    Develop and implement a plan for targeted professional development to continuously deepen their CS content and pedagogical knowledge and skills

  • 3b. Model continuous learning
    Model willingness to learn from others and to continuously develop new skills. Demonstrate comfort in problem solving and perseverance when encountering new or challenging content.

  • 3e. Leverage community resources
    Identify and connect resources in the local community and broader CS ecosystem to support student learning in CS.

  • 3f. Participate in CS professional learning communities (PLCs)
    Participate in CS professional learning communities (PLCs) to collaborate with peers, celebrate successes, share lessons learned, and address challenges.

  • 4a. Analyze CS curriculum
    Analyze CS curricula for implementation in their classrooms in terms of CS standards alignment, accuracy, completeness of content, cultural relevance, and accessibility.

  • 4b. Develop standards-aligned learning experiences 
    Design and adapt learning experiences that align to comprehensive K-12 CS standards.

  • 4d. Build connections between CS and other disciplines
    Design learning experiences that make connections to other disciplines and real-world contexts.

  • 4e. Plan projects that have personal meaning to students
    Plan opportunities for students to create and share open-ended and personally meaningful projects.

Fall Session

You will receive full access to the online course for a 10-week term from October 7 to December 31, 2024. You can complete the course by spending about an hour per week or completing in brief sprints. While we have suggested timing, you may complete it at your own pace.
Upon completion, you will receive a signed digital certificate indicating completion of 3 hours of professional learning.
When the term ends on December 31, 2024, you will no longer be able to make progress towards your course assignments and activities, but you will still be able to access course materials.


  • $39 per participant
  • Free for CSTA+ members – please make sure you’re logged into your CSTA+ account prior to clicking “Register” ($50 annual membership)

Access for All Teachers

Our goal is to support any K-12 CS educator who wants to take this course in completing it. The course is free for CSTA+ members. If you are unable to pay for this course, please email membership@csteachers.org to ask for a scholarship.