We designed this online professional development course to provide a flexible, deep learning experience you can complete at your own pace. Course content includes meaningful and interactive activities focused on application to your CS classroom — you’ll do much more than just read and watch. Plus, you will experience asynchronous collaboration with other CS educators as you both give and get feedback and exchange ideas.
Registrants will be added to the course on a weekly basis and will not receive the invitation email from Coursera immediately after registering. We appreciate your understanding.


~12 hours (complete at any pace within the 10-week session; you can enroll anytime before December 16, 2024.)


  1. Get to Know Yourself and How Your Intersectionality Translates to Privilege/Marginalization
    • Articulate components of your identity and how different social settings influence how you represent yourself to others.
    • Analyze intersectional data in CS education.
    • Devise a plan to implement intersectionality practices that nurture all students’ learning experiences.
    • Appraise your power/privilege using an interactive Wheel of Power.
  2. Explore the Race Construct and Examine the Cycle of Oppression
    • Reflect on the history of the race construct.
    • Compose a list of events for the next era of America’s history regarding race.
    • Examine the cycle of oppression through the lens of teachers.
    • Review CS educators’ strategies to facilitate critical conversations regarding bias within CS.
    • Explore with classroom resources/lessons focused on how technology reinforces oppression.
  3. Reflect on Race Perspectives & Facilitate Safe Conversations
    • Evaluate your comfort level in having conversations about race. 
    • Listen to diverse perspectives on race.
    • Prepare for classroom conversations involving race.
    • Examine intent versus impact and zero-indifference policy.
    • Design classroom discussion norms that are inclusive and promote safe conversations.
    • Predict challenges and devise plans to overcome struggles in covering critical topics with students.
  4. Combat Implicit Biases and Promote Inclusivity 
    • Assess your own implicit biases.
    • Identify non-inclusive CS terminology
    • Integrate inclusive language in your classroom.
    • Devise an action plan to counteract self-identified biases and develop an inclusive classroom culture.

Teacher Standards Alignment

  • 2b. Minimize threats to inclusion
    Develop purposeful strategies to challenge unconscious bias and proactively minimize stereotype threat in CS.

  • 3c. Examine and counteract personal bias
    Examine how their perspective, privilege, and power impact student success and classroom culture and continuously work to counteract biases

Fall Session

You will receive full access to the online course for a 10-week term from October 7, 2024 to December 31, 2024.  You can complete the course by spending about an hour per week or completing it in brief sprints. While we have suggested timing, you may complete it at your own pace.
You will receive a signed digital certificate indicating completing 12 hours of professional learning.
When the term ends on December 31,  2024, you will no longer be able to progress toward your course assignments and activities, but you will still be able to access course materials.


  • $99 per participant
  • Free for CSTA+ members – please make sure you’re logged into your CSTA+ account before clicking “Register” ($50 annual membership)

Access for All Teachers

Our goal is to support any K-12 CS educator who wants to take this course in completing it. The course is free for CSTA+ members. If you cannot pay for this course, please email membership@csteachers.org to ask for a scholarship.