The CSTA Standards for CS Teachers are designed to provide clear guidance around effective and equitable CS instruction in support of rigorous CS education for all K-12 students. The purpose is to explain what CS teachers should know and be able to do and to establish benchmarks for professional learning.
Resources & Guidance by Audience
CSTA published the standards during CSEdWeek in December 2019. Since then, teams of volunteers have created a number of resources targeted at specific audiences that will support the implementation of these standards and support the ongoing professional learning of K-12 CS teachers.
roadmap for professional learning and self-assessment checklist, to help teachers set prioritized goals for their ongoing professional development; PD in a box to guide reflection and goal setting
recommendations for how district and school leaders can support K-12 CS education, including a classroom evidence (look-for) tool and CS coaching toolkit
guidance and rubrics for PD providers to self-assess how well their programs align with the Standards and key principles of effective PD, including sample reflections
guidance for how colleges and schools of education can create computer science programs using the Standards, including case studies, field experiences, and exemplary activities
recommendations for how policymakers and state leaders can support K-12 CS education and the Standards
Additional Resources
a searchable glossary that includes definitions of terms used in the CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards, CSTA Standards for Computer Science Teachers, and K-12 Computer Science Framework, plus other terms relevant from the fields of education and computer science
synthesis of three interrelated pedagogies: culturally relevant pedagogy (CRP), universal design for learning (UDL), and translanguaging
License & Attribution
These Standards are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

Suggested citation: Computer Science Teachers Association (2020). Resources and Guidance by Audience. Standards for Computer Science Teachers. Retrieved from https://csteachers.org/teacherstandards.